Monday, July 21, 2008

Back from adventures in Fiordland and thoughts on the abundance that is New Zealand

This is a short write up with just one photo of 480 taken last week while away "down south" in Preservation Inlet. Now back only a matter of hours I'm reminded so vividly that we live in an amazing country of abundance. Not only in terms of the amazing landscapes I've seen and experienced in such a primal way, but that back home we experience amazing prosperity in the way we live: that we can go into such wilderness at will and come back again so easily to warmth and food - just a simple hot shower even takes on a whole new meaning!

It's going to take a while to assimilate the photography and experiences [even typing is foreign!], but it was all made possible by our good friends Arthur and Barbara sharing their yacht Elwing - here seen anchored off Cemetery Island just near Kisbee Beach in Preservation Inlet...

For those of you wondering where Preservation is, try this map link
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